Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Compassion and Presence in 2019

January 1, 2019, the first day of a brand new year full of possibilities! Rather than make resolutions only to break them in a matter of weeks, days, or (let's be honest) even hours, this year I want to focus on my state of be-ing. I want to decide how I will show up in the world because I know that is how the world will then show up for me in return. Today I'm starting the new year wearing green, the color of abundance, renewal, and regeneration. In Buddhism the Green Tara is the "goddess of compassion and the mother of liberation." She "embodies the healing energy of release from fear and ignorance." Her green color represents the "freshness and newness of energy, reflecting her youthfulness and playfulness."

All of this speaks to me as I move forward into what I feel intuitively will be an important year of change and growth. I want to stay aware of the impact of my human-rational-ego mind on my thoughts and feelings, to pay attention to the fearfulness that prevents me from having compassion, especially for those closest to me. As I allow others close it becomes more challenging to feel the one-ness because my ego constantly seeks to separate by tearing them down and making them "wrong" in every way. I want to be mindful of these blocks to love and to gently release them without judgement or criticism of myself. The ego-rational mind is a natural part of the human condition and "becoming more compassionate" for everyone includes myself! Compassion IS liberation from fearfulness, which allows us to be joyful and playful. (And let's face it, couldn't we all use a little more joy and fun in our lives?)

As with everything, it all comes back to my spiritual practice; meditation, prayer, reading, and for me, writing, which is how I process it all. Staying grounded through daily spiritual practice keeps me in awareness. Staying in gratitude keeps me in a state of joy. Staying in the present moment keeps me grounded in love. This year I seek to stay rooted in the truth that we are all ONE, and to remember that when I resist others, I resist the highest, best part of myself.

Wishing you infinite blessings, love and joy in the new year.

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